Why Ethereum Is So Advanced


If you’ve ever downloaded the Bitcoin-qt client or another of the mainstay wallet clients available to Bitcoin users, you probably know the adrenaline rush experienced the first time the blockchain catches up and your BTC balance actually loads: you’re firmly in the future. This is nothing like your bank account, nothing like the dollars or euros in your wallet. This is Blade Runner crypto bank stuff, from your couch.

Well, the first time I booted up Ethereum’s wallet/browser Mist, I felt that – only 10x. I felt that I was playing around with a clunky, precocious prototype of what cryptocurrency would naturally evolve into sometime circa the year 2020 or 2022, let’s say. And that was at version 0.5; Mist is now up to 0.8 with some juicy new built-in futuristic features, including Stake Voice. The feature is described as “a generic polling app, intended to be able to give Ether Stake holders an opinion on any controversial topic. It doesn’t keep any ether, and all it does is verifies that a key holder indeed agrees or disagrees with that statement. The votes and balances are then tallied by the app itself and the tally is updated if any of the currently voting accounts change their balance.”


Read the full article written by David Seaman on The Huffington Post

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